Monday, May 4, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Welcome to the step 2, Watch.

Summer blockbusters officially kickstarted with the release of the adamantium skull Wolvie! Marvel's yellow spandex bad boy's been slashing & smashing onscreen since the release of the original X-Men movie back in 2000, now after three movies, seven video games and nine years later Wolvie's got his own title movie. Thanks to the billion $ hit franchise, Hugh Jackman is an international star now, too bad he starred in one of the most underestimated movies of all time, Aronofsky's The Fountain.

Back to the claws now.

Fox Entertainment. They deserve a full line of their own, if you've seen any of their onscreen adaptations before you'll give them the credit for being the pioneers of crappy adaptations! Guess what? Wolvie ain't no exception!

Not only the movie treats the series without respect but also evolves the story line in such a grotesque way that one can't help but wonder if the original characters were not mutated enough!!!

Shallow characters, editing failure and tons of other goofs await who dare to face Wolverine on a one-on-one bar brawl.
The movie is so crappy that the only decent performance, Liev Schreiber's Sabretooth, is just wasted, it was really thoughtful of Fox guys to produce a PG-13 movie for the sushi-chop-chop-squad! The only real blood that we see in the movie turns out to be fake -I'm serious-!!!

And they even sabotaged the billions worth of Weapon X project with a single bullet theory!

See it for yourself if you like but I'd wait for the DVD instead, it's only rental good.

Now for last and the least; Deadpool ain't no Sponge Bob Square Pants, you can't pimp him with adamantium claws and ruby contact lasers!!!


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