Friday, June 19, 2009

The Last House On the Left

This is gonna hurt!

Thrillers lately took a swift turn from supernaturals to super"natural"s. As Wes Craven's The Last House on the Left was the pioneer for the slasher genre, a remake of this true classic was inevitable. Thankfully, this remake ain't no cheap attempt to ruin a memory, on the contrary, it's a fresh killer deal that both honours the original and without a doubt offers a whole new experience for this generation's movie goers!

The story takes place in a remote summer house owned by an ordinary middle class American family. Their daughter and a friend of hers are abducted, raped and left for dead in the woods. Then the troubled crew takes shelter in their guest house and then, when the parents realise that their guests are not just unlucky passerbys, the time comes to turn the tables around.

The acting is simple but very effective, the direction is near perfect with even the most gruesome scenes offering a glimpse that you'll want to capture and the tone... Blood red. This experience is not for the faint hearted so if you're easily influenced by visual violence, please be warned.

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